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Parents as Coaches Overview

Being a coach to your children is a lifelong endeavor see Coaching Your Child Preconception to Post Secondary
There are many ways Parents can be involved in the education of their children

The following areas of Parental Coaching have been identified each with age specific application.
Also see
Stay Informed:Request email updates (enter email address in the left hand column) and be updated on opportunities to be the best coach you can be.

Coaching Your Child in Personality and Relationships

Personality Insights offerd parents several resources to help parents relate to each other, their children and to help children relate to one another.see the links below to get you started:
Another great resource is the Flag Page see Flag Page Overview 

Parental Involvement in Education

"Parental involvement could be categorized under the following broad headings:
• Volunteering in school
• Participating in parent education
• Supporting students at home
• Helping to develop and implement AISI projects
• Advancing beliefs, values, cultures and languages
• Sharing expertise, knowledge, talents and gifts"
The Role of Parents and Community in Supporting
Student Success

Parents As Heritage Coaches

Parents and Grandparents can have a significant impact on children by sharing stories and passing on their family heritage. To facilitate this FACTSnet is developing Family Heritage Networks,  If you would like to participate in this network, comment to this post, and/or email info@factsnet.org.

Parents Leave Raising Their Chidren to Others

The article Love you and leave you describes how parents in China are leaving their children to work in the city see article and quote below:

"Under Mao Zedong, countless families were ripped apart. Mao sent millions of parents into labour camps and their children to the countryside; he forced families to abandon the stoves in their homes and to use communal kitchens and dorms. Even so, Mao failed, ultimately, to destroy the family as the basic cell of Chinese society."

"Today, what the dictator was unable to accomplish with force is being realised instead by the lure of money. It is 33 years since the Communist party embarked on a course of economic reform, under “paramount leader” Deng Xiaoping, and increasing numbers of Chinese are choosing to live permanently separated from their children as they search for a better life." see http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/42417c1a-2f34-11e0-88ec-00144feabdc0.html#ixzz1HLLeYtNI

Is this happening worldwide, only in places like North America more children still live with at least one of their parents?  Comment on this post to start a dialogue.